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November 2010

Women's Committee Meeting - November 17, 2010
Bigelow 217

In attendance: Fay Cali, Kim Grodzki, Dina Pandya, Heather Benway


  • Fay will e-mail the Committee to see if the December meeting date should be changed due to AGU.
  • Position assignments need to be made within the Committee since several former members have rotated off.  These assignments will be posted on the Women’s Committee website once they have been made.
  • Dina is currently the Treasurer, but will relinquish that title in an effort to focus on web development and updates.  The position of Treasurer will be reallocated.  Once a new Treasurer is nominated, Dina will e-mail them (and Fay) the spreadsheet.  Dina will contact Diane McCarthy to find out when the budget year begins.
  • Dina will show Heather how to use Site Builder later in the year so Heather can help Dina with updates as needed
  • Fay will set up accounting procedures for the new treasurer.  This will include submittal of receipts for reimbursement.

Coffee Hour

  • The next Coffee Hour will be held Tuesday, November 30th in the Smith conference room.  Fay and Kim will arrive at 9:30 to set-up.  Meeting Services will deliver refreshments at a cost of approximately $200.00.  Carpenters Craig Henderson and Damon Gayer will provide tips on winterizing homes during the coffee hour.  Heather will locate some tips online and provide a few copies.  The information will also be provided on the Women’s Committee website.  Dina will update the coffee hour flyer and circulate to MBL, etc. this Friday.

Self-Defense Class

  • The Committee will check with Ginny Edgcomb to see if she is willing to hold another self-defense class, perhaps in January, in Clark 509.  The $5.00 charge will be paid by participants.

Women’s History Month

  • This event takes place in March.  Heather suggested we contact Beth Murphy a documentary film maker who is currently filming in Iraq.  Heather will ask Beth if she is interested/available in March.  Redfield Auditorium might be considered for this event as Beth may have video to present.

Assertive Training

  • Fay will check with Human Resources to see if they have speaker who can come in during a lunch hour and talk about women’s assertiveness.  This may be good to have in March to coincide with Women’s History Month.

Annual Dinner

  • It was decided that next year (May or June) we will not have an annual dinner, but rather have beverages and heavy appetizers.  We could charge participants either $5.00 or $10.00 each, with no charge for children.  We will need to figure out a method of tracking those who pay, i.e. wrist bands, hand stamps, etc.  Several Thursdays have been reserved in Clark 509.  Chef Roland’s is generally the caterer of choice.
  • Kim has contacted Cindy Van Dover, Harvey Smith Professor of Biological Oceanography, Director, Duke University Marine Laboratory and Chair, Division of Marine Science & Conservation to see if she is interested/available to be our guest speaker.


  • Dina will ask Kama Thieler to join the next meeting to discuss the committee’s involvement in mentoring with area schools.

2011 Coffee Hour

  • Discussion was held regarding the possibility of having the spring coffee hour in April, perhaps in the McLean lab where the Mass. Spectrometer and NOSAMS are located up at the Quissett Campus.  Dina will check with Bill Jenkins to see if this might work.