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August 2011

Women’s Committee Meeting Minutes

August 17, 2011 

In attendance: Fay Cali, Kim Grodzki, Ginny Edgcomb, Liz Douglass, Dina Pandya, Beth Ryan


New Members

We will need to solicit names of those women interested in being on the ballot for the next two years for this committee.  Dina will create a Survey Monkey survey which can be circulated via e-mail for everyone to vote.  Each woman can select four names from the ballot.  Only those who have been at the Institution for at least one year may serve on the committee.  Voting will end on Friday, September 16th.  As outgoing members, Fay and Dina will coordinate the voting process.

We need to ask Heather Benway and Sonya Dhyrman if they are still active members of the committee.

Wine & Cheese Social

Instead of a Coffee Hour, we will host a wine and cheese social on the Redfield lawn from 4:00-6:00 September 16, 2011. This will allow us to use up the leftover beer, wine and soda from past events.  Ginny will purchase cheese/fruit platters for approximately 30 people from Windfall Market.  Fay will create a poster that can be circulated via e-mail to everyone.  Beth will work with Meeting Services to get two tables, cups, napkins and ice.


Redfield Ladies’ Room

It was agreed that the committee will work to update the small private area in the ladies’ bathroom on the second floor of Redfield.  We will purchase an oversized chair, small rug, small table, lamp and possibly a new curtain for the doorway.  This should cost approximately $500.  Dina will check on the amount of money in our budget.