Membership rotation - looking for volunteers to rotate off and suggestions for new members;
Andrew and Dina - room naming update; online web form for nominating candidates; 3 (all scientists) from GG (Clark 271); need nominees from other depts; will send out another request in new year; criteria - anyone from groups that are not represented but awkward to name after someone still living; working with development
Maury - fought for confederacy and proponent of slavery - bust has been removed; rename Maury Lane; need to have a replacement name
Group messaging should be room naming, not room re-naming
Caregiver survey - parents of school-age kids bearing brunt of pandemic; survey - ;
place to drop off kids while parents work - very highly regulated. YMCA - parents didn’t end up using it that much; something on site is not something to pursue at this time.
Pop up benefit Q&A session (events announcement next week); increasing reimbursement for Dec 1-May 31; and made requirements more flexible; must allow the parent to work. Reimbursement will be on a rolling basis. Changed age requirements (increase to age 18).
Getting quotes on and; considering adding eldercare too.
In the long term, WHOI will look into daycare.
Looking into partnering with MBL for summer camp for kids.
Daycare bulletin board being developed.
New survey being developed for overall employee mental health
Covind impact statement - need to assess long term impacts
Ombudsperson fact-finding summary; met with SciSec most recently, ready to bring to staff council
New position in HR for supervisor training; how to deal with conflict; in the process of developing the framework for this. Also tasked with diversity issues within HR.
WHOI will be hiring a diversity coordinator.
Piloted implicit-bias training with several departments, bringing back for further use across the whole institution and board.
Cambridge Hill partners, chairs and recruitment committees, goal of existing processes and pulling out best practices, construct a blueprint with DEI embedded in this. To help achieve goals in these areas.
Retention is important - workplace climate affects that
Buddy program - social mentoring for new people coming to WHOI. looking for WCC interest in setting up. Connect with onboarding at HR to incorporate into process. Where would this program be hosted. Brought up at Communitea and sustainability task force. Also efforts for mentoring being setup.