Pulse Survey Results
May 2023
The Pulse Survey utilizes categories to be able to provide a high-level overview of the areas that folks feel are in need of improvement. The category definitions are listed below. Actual responses will be reviewed by the WCC Co-chairs (Sheri N. White & Konrad Hughen), the CPO (Yessica Cancel) and the CDEIO (Natalie Nevárez) to identify specific actions that can be taken to address climate issues.
- 23% of respondents commented on the salary issue (hard money support, and engineers getting market value).
- 19% of respondents indicated a desire for WHOI to recognize the Graduate Student Union.
- 15% of respondents commented on the housing issue.
- 7% of respondents commented on the need to better support Technical Staff.
- 4% of respondents specifically called out the need for Supervisor Training, and 2% for greater accountability of managers/leaders.
Category definitions:
- Community & Culture - the broader WHOI community including climate, events, committees, and broader groups of people one interacts with
- Colleagues - co-workers with whom you typically interact with, including students, post-docs, admins, etc.
- Work - projects, workload, and productivity
- Work-Life Balance - personal moments/activities beyond work
- WHOI Policy & Leadership - institutional structure, policies, procedures and communications
- Supervisor/Management - supervisors, managers, and the skill set required
- Staffing - workforce size, hiring, and retention
- Compensation - salary and benefits such as vacation time, health insurance
- Institutional Support - WHOI support groups such as Facilities, IS, HR, Communications and Development
- Housing - housing either WHOI-owned or within the community and it’s impact
- Weather - actual environmental weather conditions, which we have no control over, but which impacts us nonetheless