July 17, 2018
WCC meeting notes
In attendance:
Sherri, Kathi, Annette, Mak, Jake, Dave, Adam, Dina, Chrissy, Veta, Christine
Update on Kate Clancy’s talk
- Women’s committee co-sponsoring
- Ask Mark if he can recommend someone to introduce Kate
- Kathi will provide an email list for unit heads/chairs; Mak and Annette will ask them to attend and to encourage others to attend
NAS report
- Plan a dedicated meeting to discuss this in September; bring up ideas for cultural change
- Question about tolerance for harassment – all complaints are addressed – education/training in some cases is useful; in other cases additional action is required
- Find ways to improve climate so that harassment is prevented
- How to address impacts to victim/recipient; Kathi will send out info on this
- Encourage PIs to discuss with their lab groups;
- Address power imbalances
- Increase diversity in senior positions
Sexual harassment training
- Aug 1 implementation date
- Give people to Oct 1 to get training; new employees will be given one month from date of hire; for employees – will be on evaluation form; students and postdocs will be required;
- Need to work out a method to ensure affiliates (eg guest, visiting scientists, investigators, students) take the training
- If training will be traumatizing (eg for victims), discuss with Kathi
Posting of inappropriate materials and when to report incidents (in general)
- When does an incident require reporting?
- Sometimes issues can be addressed with simple conversation; but need to keep track of events in case there is a pattern; events, not intentions
- Central repository of incidents? Annual report of grievances etc; but how to protect confidentiality?
- Should we consider doing annual surveys (smaller scale than our 5 year larger survey)
- Reporting - may see an initial bump before decline, due to increased awareness and attention to these issues
- Callisto app; https://www.projectcallisto.org/
Diversity efforts
- What is the status of diversity committee?
- How to find out about diversity issues at WHOI? Need a central place for information, and up to date website; want to have a better way to share information across institutions
- Woods Hole groups are looking into a shared diversity specialist; should WHOI have their own person? There is a burden on people of color as they get selected to be on all the committees
- People can send diversity info to our committee and we will help to advertise
- Aim for October; theme – women with disproportionate share of “office housework; coordinate with Women’s Committee for date and logistics
- Another theme – how to be more welcoming to people of diverse backgrounds; perhaps hold a Tea in the winter with this theme to encourage improvement in this area before next summer?
- How to summarize what people learn from the teas - have participants give comments directly; social media?
- Update WCC website, with resources, info in Teas, Tips, and other activities; and easy to find links on relevant policies
- Visits for non-scientific staff by Kathi/Crhis/Christine to discuss climate policies and respectful workplace environment; consider how to best reach all staff - version for supervisors and non-supervisors?