August 8, 2020
Agenda and Notes
- Recap of CommuiTea. (Adam gave a summary)
- Who attends these events? How can we improve participation from people who don’t normally come?
- WE should make sure to engage students, such as the JEDI group
- Provided a couple slides on our committee to the students last week
- Plan another for the fall?
- Picture a Scientist update
- Paid fee for custom interface
- Thurs Sept 10? Check with Rick and save the date,
- Film is 97 minutes long
- Invite other institutions? How should we publicize this?
- Register in advance? Is there a limit on the number of people?
- Send out a save the date announcement?
- Room Naming effort
- Dina heading the subcommittee (includes CDI and WC members too); other members are Jessica and Andrew from WCC
- Name Fenno conference room after Mary Sears; during employee recognition virtual celebration on September 24; This will kick off the initiative
- Collect nominations and the working group would go through the nominations and give the departments some names
- Bust of Maury (who fought for Confederacy) removed; and petition with town to rename the street is in progress
- Update from Kathi on workplace climate Covid efforts
- Impact of Covid will go into the employee evaluation process
- There is also a long term impact
- Resources for employees - new student and employee assistant program (that mit uses) rolled out at start of covid
- Ideas to create awareness for this program - department meetings; webpages that are viewed often such as covid check in form; time card form;
- Ombudsperson fact-finding update
- Mak and Annette have been meeting with with sr admin; other committee chairs
- Include in Diversity office?
- WC survey timeline
- In budget request for 2021
- How to promote use of the survey?
- Talk with previous survey committee chairs about lessons learned
- Will covid skew workplace climate, work from home versus pre-covid environment
- What is the right timing?
- Committee Input for future efforts/activities
- Communitea, next one? Follow up one to one in June?
- More discussion in a future one?