In 2018 a joint cruise took place between the Distributed Biological Observatory – Northern Chukchi Integrated Study (DBO-NCIS) and the Ecosystems and Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (Eco-Foci) aboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy, from 4–28 August. The overall goal of DBO-NCIS is to document and understand ongoing changes to the Pacific-Arctic ecosystem in light of the changing physical drivers. The primary aim of Eco-Foci is to study the variability in recruitment success of commercially valuable fin and shellfish in Alaskan waters. The main objectives for the cruise were (1) to service a suite of moorings deployed on the Chukchi shelf and slope; (2) to occupy key transects on the northern Bering and Chukchi shelves, including DBO lines 2-5, with an extensive suite of water column and benthic measurements; (3) to perform a rapid, high-resolution hydrographic survey of the outflow from Barrow Canyon; and (4) to collect numerous underway measurements of the atmosphere-ocean-ice system.
This website is where information on the HLY1801 cruise and DBO-NCIS program can be found, along with relevant data products. Please contact Robert Pickart ( or Leah McRaven ( for further details.