FAMOS Meeting #3, October 21-24, 2014
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
October 21, 2014: FAMOS School for young scientists, Redfield Auditorium
October 22-24, 2014: FAMOS Workshop, Redfield Auditorium
D. 3rd FAMOS Meeting Logistics Package.
FAMOS School for Young Arctic Scientists
Bonnie Light: Modeling the physics of summer melt on Arctic sea ice: changing snow, shrinking ice, and plenty of sunshine
Paul Wassmann: The productivity of the Arctic Ocean, now and in the future, as revealed by modelling (Coming Soon)
Patrick Heimbach (MIT, USA): The ends and means of (ice/ocean) data assimilation
Outreach Discussion: Bruno Tremblay and Mary-Louise Timmermans (Coming Soon)
Laurie Padman (Earth and Space Research, USA):Tidal impacts on the Arctic ocean and sea ice
Clara Deser (UCAR, USA): Modeling the impact of Arctic sea ice loss on the global atmosphere: current research and outstanding issues
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Introduction: Andrey Proshutinsky: “Third FAMOS meeting goals and tasks”
Video: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_0.webm
SESSION 1: Sea Ice Highlights Session
Torge Martin (instead of Don Perovich):“2013 and 2014 sea ice conditions and results of 2013 sea ice outlook”
Video: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1AR.mov
Webm: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1A.webm
Dmitry Dukhovskoy et al. “Winners of 2014 minimum sea ice extent outlook competition”
Video: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1BR.mov
Webm: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1B.webm
Pam Posey et al.: “An Assessment of the Navy’s Sea Ice Outlook Predictions for 2014”
Video: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1DR.mov
Webm: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1C.webm
Sinead L. Farrell et al.: “Interannual variability in contemporaneous measurements of Arctic snow and sea ice thickness from airborne altimetry”
Video: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1DR.mov
Webm: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_1D.webm
Video: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_2R.mov
Webm: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_2.webm
SESSION 2: Sea Ice Modeling and Observations
Daniel L. Feltham et al.:“September Arctic sea ice minimum predicted by spring melt pond fraction”
David Hebert et al.: “Effects of Sea ice surface roughness on remotely sensed thickness values“
Bruno Tremblay: “Forecasting future sea ice conditions in the MIZ: a Langrangian approach“
Pierre Rampal and S. Bouilon: “Towards a new sea ice model: neXtSIM” (Coming Soon)
MP3 file: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day2/FAMOS-D2_8.mp3
Andrew Roberts et al.: “Intercomparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice mechanics in a high-resolution fully coupled climate model” (Coming Soon)
Discussion and Group reports: “New approaches for sea ice modeling, observations and predictions” (Moderators: Andrew Roberts, Daniel Feltham, and Torge Martin)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Summary of “Sea Ice” poster session (Andrew Roberts, Daniel Feltham and Torge Martin)
SESSION 4: Ocean modeling and observations #1
(Yevgeny Aksenov and Ben Rabe)
Timmermans, Mary-Louise et al.: “Mechanisms of Pacific Summer Water variability in the Arctic’s Central Canada Basin”
Curry, Beth et al.: Arctic Outflow West Of Greenland: “Nine Years Of Volume And Freshwater Transports From Observations In Davis Strait” http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day3/FAMOS-D3_3R.mov
Isachsen, Pål Erik: “Baroclinic instability and the mesoscale eddy field in the Arctic Ocean: a model study”
Luneva, Maria: “The effects of tides on the water mass mixing and sea ice in the Arctic Ocean”
Discussion: “Currents, eddies, tides and mixing” (Sheldon Bacon and Pål Isachsen)
SESSION 5: Ecosystem and biogeochemical modeling
(Katya Popova and Paul Wassmann)
Summary of ecosystem and biochemical modeling poster session
Wassmann Paul et al.: “Physical constrains of productivity in the Arctic Ocean: the trajectories into the future?”
Yoonjoo Lee et al.: Primary production algorithm Round Robin for the Arctic Ocean: Preliminary results
Samuel Laney: “Year-long, daily-scale bio-optical observations under perennial ice cover in the Arctic Ocean”
Nicole Jeffery: “Modeling arctic sea ice biogeochemistry throughout the ice interior”
Discussion: Major challenges for biogeochemical modeling and observations: what is needed to improve both observing systems and models including coordinated experiments.(Katya Popova and Paul Wassmann)
SESSION 6: Ocean modeling and observations #2
(Mike Steele and Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Thomas Armitage: “Sea level in the Arctic Ocean from ERS, Envisat and CryoSat-2 satellite radar altimeters”
Paul Myers: “Effects of enhanced Greenland melt on the hydrography of Baffin Bay and the water exchanges between the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean”
Dominic DiMaggio: “The Role and Variability of Ocean Heat Content in the Arctic Ocean: 1948-2009”
MP3 audio format only: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day3/FAMOS-D3_12.mp3
Sylvia Cole: “The ocean’s response to spring and summer melting”
MP3 audio format only: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day3/FAMOS-D3_13.mp3
Discussion: Major uncertainties in understanding of drivers of oceanic climate states and changes in freshwater and heat content. Coordinated experiments (M-L Timmermans and Mike Steele)
Friday, October 24, 2014
SESSION 7: 2013-3014 FAMOS Coordinated Experiments
Andrey Proshutinsky: “Tasks for coordinated working group sessions”
Ekaterina Popova and Paul Wassmann: “Ecosystem and biogeochemistry coordinated field and numerical experiments and publications for FAMOS JGR special collection” (working group 1)
Sheldon Bacon: “Freshwater and heat content coordinated field and numerical experiments and publications for FAMOS JGR special collection” (working group 2)
Yevgeny Aksenov: “Arctic circulation coordinated field and numerical experiments and publications for FAMOS JGR special collection” (working group 3) http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day4/FAMOS-D4_3BR.mov
John Toole: “Coordinated mixing field and numerical experiments and publications for FAMOS JGR special collection” (working group 4) http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day4/FAMOS-D4_3CR.mov
Torge Martin and Andrew Roberts: “Coordinated field and numerical sea ice experiments and publications for FAMOS JGR special collection” (working group 5)
Bruno Tremblay: “Coordinated field and numerical landfast ice experiments and publications for FAMOS JGR special collection”
Helge Goessling: “The Polar Prediction Project Year of Polar Prediction”
- MP3 audio format only: http://mex1.whoi.edu:8080/http/WHOI_CMS/Events/FAMOS14/Day4/FAMOS-D4_5.mp3
- Continuation:
SESSION 3: Posters
Sea ice posters A1-A29
A1. Bouchat, Amélie: Using sea-ice deformation distributions to constrain sea-ice dynamic models
A2. Bouillon, Sylvain: On computing noise-free sea ice deformation fields from SAR-derived sea ice motion
A3. Close, Sally: Large-scale patterns of Arctic sea ice variability and links to climatic forcing
A4. Dupont, Frederic: Updates on ice-ocean coupling in the Canadian CONCEPTS 1/12th degree regional modelling system
A5. Feltham, Daniel et al.: A new parameterisation of frazil and grease ice formation in a climate sea ice models
A6. Flocco Daniela et al.: The impact of refreezing melt ponds on Arctic sea ice thinning
A7. Hata, Yukie: Anisotropic Internal Thermal Stress in Landfast Sea Ice from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
A8: Lee Sanggyun and Im Jungho: Estimation of Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness Using CryoSat-2
A9. Lecomte, Olivier: Influence of snow processes on sea ice: a model study
A10. Martin, Torge and Lars H. Smedsrud: On modeling a variable lead closing parameter: Do we need to explicitly simulate grease ice in climate models?
A11. Martin, Torge: Withdrawn
A12. Mueller, Bennit: Detection and attribution of Arctic sea ice change causes
A13: Petty, Alek: Seasonal trends in sea ice dynamics and wind forcing over the Beaufort Sea
A14. Plante, Mathieu: Formation and break-up of the Laptev Sea landfast ice.
A15. Steele, Michael: Arctic seasonal sea ice retreat: synchronicity, prediction, and dilation
A16. Thomas, Sam: Changing sea ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea – latest results from Ice Watch observations on the 2014 JOIS/BGEP cruise
A17. Tilling, Rachel: Arctic sea ice thickness and volume 2010-2014 from CryoSat-2
A18. Withdrawn (this now is an oral presentation) Tremblay, Bruno: Forecasting future sea ice conditions in the MIZ: a Langrangian approach
A19. Tsamados, Michel: Processes controlling surface, bottom and lateral melt of Arctic sea ice in a state of the art sea ice model
A20. Webster, Melinda: A Comparison of Melt Pond Evolution in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
A21. Williams, James: Marginal Ice Zone Buoy Forecasts: a Model Comparison
A22. Hezel, Paul: Arctic summer sea ice decline in CMIP5
A23. Rynders, Stefanie et al.: Implementation of a Combined Elastic-Viscous-Plastic and Collisional Sea Ice Rheology
A24. Selyuzhenok, Valeria: Mechanisms of landfast sea ice development in the southeastern Laptev Sea
A25. Yang, Qinghua: Assimilating SMOS sea ice thickness into a coupled ice-ocean model using a local SEIK filter
A26. Maslowski, Wieslaw: Sensitivity of sea ice states to variable parameter space in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
A27. Tsukernik, Maria et al.: The great Arctic cyclone of 2012: influences of the underlying surface
A28. Aksenov et al.: Predicting the Arctic Ocean Environment
A29. DeRepentigny, Patricia: Finding the source regions of sea ice melting in the marginal ice zone
Ocean from models and observations (Large-scale processes) posters B1-B26
B1. Aksenov, Yevgeny, et al.: Pathways, variability and Modification of the Arctic Atlantic water in the model inter-comparison experiment
B2. Golubeva, Elena and D.Yakshina: Sensitivity of the Arctic-North Atlantic numerical model to the mixed layer parameterization
B3. Herbaut, Christophe: Origin and fate of the AW anomalies in the Arctic from tracer experiments
B4. Houssais, Marie-Noelle: Atlantic water transports to the Arctic from hindcast simulations
B5. Long, Zhenxia: Air-sea interactions in the Barents Sea and Atlantic water layer in the central Arctic Ocean
B6. Rudels, Bert et al.: Atlantic inflows, the Arctic Ocean volume and freshwater balances, and the Fram Strait branch contribution to the Arctic heat budget
B7. Smedsrud, Lars H.: Atlantic inflow and sea ice in the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean
B8. Nguyen, An: Arctic and sup-polar gyre state estimate.
B9. Carton, James: Arctic weather and heat content of the Nordic Seas: CMIP5 historical simulations
B10. Dukhovskoy, D.S. et al.: Relation between the Large-Scale Atmospheric Variability and Ocean Circulation in the Nordic Seas
B11. Dukhovskoy, DS.: Withdrawn
B12. Grivault, Nathan: Baffin Bay transports and budgets from a suite of numerical modelling experiments
B13. Holt, Jason: Challenges in coupled ocean-shelf modelling in the Arctic and North Atlantic context
B14. Ilicak, Mehmet: Intercomparison of Arctic Ocean hydrography, heat and salt fluxes in IPCC type global coupled ocean/sea‐ice models using CORE-II forcing
B15. Kwon, Mi Ok and Ho Ji Lee: Numerical Experiment of Tidal Effect on the Arctic Ocean Using an Ice-Coupled Ocean Model
B16. Nummelin, Aleksi: Arctic Ocean water masses under changing river runoff
B17. Bacon, Sheldon: Arctic freshwater and heat fluxes: variability, and assessment
B18. Proshutinsky, Andrey et al.: Causes and consequences of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater storage variability
B19. Schulze, Lena et al.: Freshwater changes and pathways in the Labrador Sea
B20. Stroh, Jacob N.: Sea-surface temperature and salinity product comparison against external in situ data in the Arctic
B21. Benjamin Rabe: Upper Arctic Ocean changes since the 1990s: freshwater, stratification and implications for biogeochemistry
B22. Cabrillo, Raquel Somavilla: Convection changes in the Greenland Sea since the 1980s: Causes and consequences.
B23. Paquin, Jean-Philippe: Analyses of Canadian CONCEPTS Regional 1/12-deg and ¼-deg simulations during 2003-2011
B24. Zhang, Yu et al.: Long-term Variability of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Outflow and Its Impacts on the Arctic Basin-Scale Circulation
B25. Ding, Yanni: Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea ice interaction on Arctic Ocean in CMIP5 simulations
B26. Walczowski, Waldemar: Changes of the West Spitsbergen Current properties and their climatic implications
Ecosystem and biogeochemical modeling posters: C1-C9
C1. Deal, Clara: Changes in Arctic marine dimethylsulfide with sea ice loss
C2. Duarte, Pedro: The (lack of) consensus in modeling marine biogeochemistry in the Arctic
C3. Ha, Ho Kyung: Measurement of suspended particulate matter under sea ice using ADCP and LISST
C4. Jin, Meibing: Evaluating CICE5 model with long term observations of snow, ice and biological data off Barrow
C5. Lawrence, Jonathan: Investigating Arctic subsurface primary production in a model: where, when, how much, and does it matter for satellite primary production estimates
C6. Maps, Frederic: Tackling the challenges of Modeling the Calanus complex in rapidly changing Arctic and sub-Arctic seas.
C7. Record, Nicholas: Predicting the biogeography of copepodid diapause
C8. Rosenhaim, Ingrid Linck: Modeling the distribution of the ballast water discharge in the Arctic Ocean
C9. Ashjian Carin et al.: Inter-annual and Shorter-Term Variability in Physical and Biological Characteristics across Barrow Canyon in August – September 2005-2013.
C10. Popova et al.: Modelling of the present and future Arctic Ocean Biogeochemistry
Ocean from models and observations (Meso- and small-scale processes) posters D1-D27
D1. Ashik, Igor: Extreme Sea Level Changes in the Arctic Seas and their long-term changes
D2. Dewey, Sarah: Aerial Surveys of the Beaufort Sea Seasonal Ice Zone in 2012
D3. Piacsek, Steve: Arctic – GIN Sea Deep Water Passages in the FRAM Strait
D4. Platov Gennady et al.: The coupled hydrodynamic system of Lena River delta and Laptev Sea shelf zone: problems of modeling and observational synthesis
D5. Carroll, Dustin: Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis of subglacial meltwater plumes: implications for ocean-glacier coupling in Rink Isbrae, west Greenland
D6. Cenedese, Claudia: Laboratory Experiments Investigating the Influence of Multiple Subglacial Discharges on Submarine Melting of Greenland’s Glaciers
D7. Olsen, Steffen: Variability of the Arctic Ocean freshwater storage in a coupled climate model
D8. Davis, Peter: The effect of increased background mixing on the cold halocline of the Arctic Ocean
D9. Meri Korhonen: The problems and possibilities in identifying the evolution of the Winter Mixed Layer during melt season from the ITP observations
D10. Marcinko, Charlotte: Characterising Energy Spectra in the Arctic Ocean Halocline
D11. Plueddemann, Albert: Eddies in the Western Arctic Halocline
D12. Zhao, Mengnan: Structure and Dynamics of the Mesoscale Eddy Field in the Arctic Ocean’s Halocline.
D13. Chepurin, Gennady: Anomalous warming of the Barents Sea in summer 2013
D14. Bradley, Alice: Observations of Wind-Driven Processes in The Surface Layer Of The Marginal Ice Zone
D15. Holdsworth, Amber: The Influence of High Frequency Atmospheric Forcing on the Circulation and Deep Convection of the Labrador Sea
D16. Panteleev, Gleb et al.: Analysis of the variability of the circulation in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic Ocean during 2003-2010 decade through the 4Dvar data assimilation
D17. Panteleev, Gleb et al.: Optimization of the high-frequency radar sites in the Bering Strait region
D18. Panteleev, Gleb and Max Yaremchuk: Adjoint-Free Variational Data Assimilation into a Regional Models
D19. Francis, Oceana et al.: Toward a better hindcast/forecast of waves in the Arctic Ocean
D20. Hosekova, Lucia, et al.: Modelling Ocean Surface Waves in Polar Regions
D21. Dosser, Hayley: Impact of Declining Sea Ice on Wind Generated Near-Inertial Internal Waves and Implications for Mixing and Vertical Heat Flux
D22. Shimada, Koji: Retarded responses of the oceanic Beaufort Gyre to winds and sea ice motions: Influences on variations of sea ice in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean
D23. Zhang, Weifeng Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: The Dispersal of Dense Water Formed in a Coastal Polynya on a Shallow Sloping Shelf
D24. Torres, et al: Observations of the upper ocean flow field and sea ice dynamics in the Beaufort Gyre from 2005-2013 from moored instrumentation
D25. Gelderloos, Renske: A simple model of Nares Strait throughflow
D26. Bhatrasataponkul, Tachanat: Variability of Turbulent Heat Flux Estimates in the Nordic Seas
D27. Albretsen Jon et al.: Recirculation in the Fram Strait: Transport and dynamics based on observations and eddy-resolving modeling