Data Access
Use of IGP data and coauthorship on publications
The IGP data and publishing plan asks that co-authorship be offered to data owners and data gatherers where a significant amount of that data has been used. For more information on data usage please contact Ian Renfrew (, Robert Pickart (, or Kjetil Våge (

Field campaign reports
Click to download the field campaign reports for the Iceland Greenland Seas Project

Shipboard hydrographic data
Final CTD data are now available. Please click below for a download link. Contact Leah McRaven for more information (
Expendable hydrographic data
Final expendable hydrographic data are now available. Please click below for a download link. Contact Jie Huang for more information (

Shipboard current data
Final shipboard ADCP data, together with metadata and processing information, are available via Please contact Leah McRaven for more information if needed (
Shipboard meteorological and underway data
Shipboard underway measurements have been combined with the surface layer meteorological measurements and can be downloaded via the link in the next section.

Surface layer meteorological measurements
Sea surface and near surface shipboard meteorological measurements were recorded throughout the cruise. Additionally these observations have been processed using the COARE 3.0a bulk aerodynamic flux algorithm to provide bulk variables at standard heights and estimated flux coefficients. Access via
Radiosonde data
100 Radiosondes were launched during the 2018 IGP cruise. Final date are publicly available via Please contact Ian Renfrew for more information (
HatPro radiometer data
A HatPro radiometer was installed on the Alliance and collected underway data throughout the cruise. V1 data are available at CEDA via A reprocessing of the HatPro data for the meteorological conditions of the cruise is underway. Please contact for details.
Windcube Lidar data
A Leosphere Windcube boundary-layer wind lidar was installed on the Alliance and collected underway data throughout the cruise. Final reprocessed data are available at CEDA For more information please contact or
Radar precipitation data
This data set contains measurements from the Micro Rain Radar (MRR2), manufactured by Meteorologische Messtechnik GmbH (Metek) installed onboard the NATO Research Vessel Alliance during the Iceland Greenland Seas Project. Access via

Meteorological buoy data
A meteorological buoy was deployed during the IGP cruise in the northern Iceland Sea in the vicinity of the UiB subsurface mooring. The buoy was configured to measure atmospheric temperature, wind velocity, humidity, and pressure as well as surface ocean temperature and velocity. Level 2 data are available via: Please contact Jochen Reuder ( and Erik Kolstad ( for more information.

Aircraft data