Organizing Committee

Bill Miller

Rachel Stanley

Tom Bell

Yuan Gao

Cassandra Gaston

David Ho

Dave Kieber

Kate Mackey

Nicholas Meskhidze

Henry Potter

Penny Vlahos

Patricia Yager
The workshop organizing committee comprises the membership of the Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Committee:
Bill Miller (Lead) - Univ. Georgia
Rachel Stanley (OAIC Chair) - Wellesley College
Thomas Bell - Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Yuan Gao - Rutgers
Cassandra Gaston - Univ. Miami, RSMAS
David Ho - Univ. Hawaii
David Kieber - SUNY Syracuse
Kate Mackey - UC Irvine
Nicholas Meskhidze - NC State Univ.
Henry Potter (Early Career) - Texas A&M Univ.
Penny Vlahos - Univ. Connecticut
Patricia Yager - Univ. Georgia