In October 2019, OCB convened a workshop for US-based scientists working at the air-sea interface to identify research priorities and facilitate the communication and collaboration required for future significant research advances. Leadership for this workshop was provided by the Ocean Atmosphere Interaction Committee (OAIC). Emerging from the discussions at the workshop is a new US SOLAS Science Plan to help coalesce the air-sea interaction research community around a common set of science goals and research priorities and foster a more cohesive US contribution to international SOLAS. Please view and download the new science plan via the link below.
Stanley, R, T Bell, Y Gao, C Gaston, D Ho, D Kieber, K Mackey, N Meskhidze, B Miller, H Potter, P Vlahos, P Yager, B Alexander, S Beaupre, S Craig, G Cutter, S Emerson, A Frossard, S Gasso, B Haus, W Keene, W Landing, R Moore, D Ortiz-Suslow, J Palter, F Paulot, E Saltzman, D Thornton, A Wozniak, L Zamora, H Benway. 2021. US SOLAS Science Report. 62pp. DOI 10.1575/1912/27821
OCB Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions: Scoping directions for U.S. research
October 1-3, 2019 (Sterling, Virginia, USA)
View/download the workshop proposal (PDF)
This workshop gathered U.S. scientists working at the air-sea interface to identify research priorities and facilitate the communication and collaboration required for future significant research advances. Leadership for this workshop was provided by the Ocean Atmosphere Interaction Committee (OAIC). The workshop served as a critical next step in strengthening the U.S. air-sea interaction research community and encouraging synergistic activities across disciplines and nations.
This 3-day scoping workshop was open to interested members of the community, but attendance was limited to ~60-65 scientists who were prepared to contribute to in-depth discussions about research priorities and engagement with international SOLAS. Participants presented and shared cutting edge research and participate in discussions to identify key knowledge gaps and prioritize research needed to advance the field.
From the discussions at the workshop, the OAIC is assembling a “grassroots” document to help coalesce the U.S. air-sea interaction research community around a common set of science goals and research priorities. The workshop and its outcomes are expected to strengthen ties between the ocean and atmosphere research communities and foster a more cohesive U.S. contribution to international SOLAS.
The workshop was held October 1-3, 2019 at The Woodlands at Algonkian in Sterling, VA. The workshop included keynote talks that summarized the current state of knowledge and highlighted interesting unknowns and areas for future research in the five core themes of the 2015-2025 SOLAS Science Plan, which set the stage for participant discussions about current US priorities in ocean-air interaction research within these themes. Keynote speakers included:
- Laure Resplandy (Princeton): Core Theme 1: Greenhouse gases and the oceans
- Bill Asher (UW/APL): Core Theme 2: Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
- Ray Najjar (Penn State): Core Theme 3: Atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry
- Amanda Frossard (UGA): Core Theme 4: Interconnections between aerosols, clouds, and marine ecosystems
- Eric Saltzman (UCI): Core Theme 5: Ocean biogeochemical control on atmospheric chemistry

Workshop Sponsors
This workshop is an activity of the Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry (OCB) program, which is funded by NSF and NASA.