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Current Rates


The WHOI Nutrient Analytical Facility processes liquid inorganic nutrient samples using a SEAL Analytical AA3 HR. The sample suite consists of Ammonium, Orthophosphate, Silicate, and Nitrate+Nitrite. The 2024 cost for the nutrient suite will be $30/sample ($49.55 including overhead). A minimum charge is billed for batches less than 100 samples for nutrient analysis. Samples that are batched or that can be delayed will avoid minimum sample charges. WHOI has changed their overhead fee to include MTDC (Modified Total Direct Cost). The 2024 Rate determined by the institution is 65.15% for all samples billed out.

AnalyteDetection LimitMethodDetermined
Ammonium0.015 μMol/LG-171-96EPA pt.136, app B
Nitrate+Nitrite0.040 μMol/LG-172-96EPA pt.136, app B
Silicate0.030 μMol/LG-177-96EPA pt.136, app B
Phosphate0.009 μMol/LG-297-03EPA pt. 136, app B

The following procedures are included when samples are processed at the WHOI nutrient facility:

  • Laboratory duplicates on 10% of all the samples submitted (if duplicates are required on all samples an additional cost of $5/sample will be added)
  • A certified reference material (RMNS or equivalent) will be processed daily when samples are analyzed.
  • Quality Control samples will be processed throughout the run to track any drift within the instrument.
  • A standard addition will also be spiked with 10% of the samples that are submitted.
  • The finalized data set will be reported within an excel spreadsheet with concentration units of uMol/L.

Other Analysis that can be performed:

  • Total Dissolved Nitrogen / Total Nitrogen. The method used for the determination of total and organic nitrogen through persulfate oxidation. The 2024 cost for the TDN/TN analysis will be $30/sample.
  • Nitrite only will be analyzed at a cost of $15.00/sample.

Particulate Carbon and Nitrogen (POC/N)

The WHOI Nutrient Analytical Facility analyzes filtered seawater and sediment using a Flash EA1112 CHN analyzer.  The instrument measures organic carbon and nitrogen using 4 pairs of thermal conductivity detectors after high temperature combustion and separation through chemical traps.  The 2024 cost for CHN analysis is $20/sample ($33.03 including overhead).  The end user is expected to prepare all samples for analysis in either ultra clean tin disk or capsules (please contact us for more details).  A minimum of 50 samples for POC/N sample analysis.  Samples that are batched or that can be delayed will avoid minimum sample charges.  Certified reference material Acetanilide (Certificate#293514) is combusted with every run and an average recovery is provided with the sample results.  An additional charge of 10 CRM samples will be billed per 50 samples submitted.


  1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA/AWWA/WEF, method 4500-NH3 G (22nd Ed.)
  2. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA/AWWA/WEF, method 4500 NO3– F (22nd Ed.)
  3. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA/AWWA/WEF, method 4500- SiO2 -E (22nd Ed.)
  4. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA/AWWA/WEF, method 4500‑P F (22nd Ed.)
  5. Armstrong, F.A.J., Sterns, C.R. and Strickland, J.D.H, 1967 Deep Sea Res. 14, pp. 381-389. "The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of Technicon AutoAnalyzer and associated equipment."
  6. Grasshoff, K., Technicon International Congress, June 1969
  7. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, November 1969.
  8. Methods of Seawater Analysis, K. Grasshoff et. al., Verlag Chemie, 2nd Edition, 1983.
  9. CE Instruments Flash EA 1112 CHN Analyzer Technical Manual (1999).
  10. M. Ehrhardt and W. Koeve (1999), in Methods of Seawater Analysis (3rd edition) pp.437-444.