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WHSTEP Science Safari - National Marine Life Center, Buzzards Bay

WHSTEP Science Safari 2012

National Marine Life Center
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
4:00-5:15 PM
120 Main Street, Buzzards Bay

Woods Hole Science and Technology Education Partnership invites teachers to visit the National Marine Life Center in Buzzards Bay.  (
We will have a presentation on their rehabilitation and release programs by director Kathy Zagzebski. Then we’ll take a behind-the-scenes tour of the hospital where they are currently rehabbing a harbor seal, as well as turtles.

Learn more about NMLC educational activities, resources and field trips for school groups. All teachers welcome, K-12. The safari is free.

Please register by contacting Kama Thieler, WHSTEP Administrator, or 508-289-3478.