WHSTEP General Meeting - Woods Hole Research Center
Wednesday January 15, 4:00 PM
Woods Hole Research Center
All are welcome
What is it worth to take action to slow climate change? Our speaker, Dr. Glenn Bush, will present about his work using an economic approach to reduce deforestation in African communities.

What is it worth to take action to slow climate change? Our speaker, Dr. Glenn Bush, will present about his work using an economic approach to reduce deforestation in African communities.
Dr. Bush is an assistant scientist and environmental economist at the Woods Hole Research Center. He will describe the REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) initiative of the United Nations Environmental Program. REDD creates an incentive for developing countries to protect and wisely use their forest resources, which are an important part of the global fight against climate change. REDD strategies make forests more valuable if left standing than they would be if cut down, by creating a financial value for the carbon stored in trees.
Resources for teaching about this topic will be available at the meeting.
Learn more about REDD here
Learn more about Woods Hole Research Center here
This meeting is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. PDP credits are available for teachers. RSVP by Monday January 13 to pharcourt@gmail.com
Directions to WHRC and map are at http://www.whrc.org/about/contact.html
For more information, contact Pat Harcourt, WHSTEP Administrator, at pharcourt@gmail.com