June 11 - Early Career events
- Early career mixer 5.30-8.30 pm (more details to come) - for students, postdocs, and assigned SSC members only
- Early career professionals (beyond postdoc) and assigned OCB SSC members are welcome to meet up to enjoy a pizza & beach sunset gathering with colleagues - meet in front of the Clark building (WHOI Quissett campus) at 5:30 pm to walk down to the WHOI beach together - rain location is under the tent outside Redfield Auditorium (Village Campus) Please sign up in advance for this event so we can plan! We will cancel if we don’t get enough interested people!
Monday, June 12, 2023 - time in ET Start the day in Redfield (Village Campus)
7:15 am Shuttles transport participants from hotels to Redfield Auditorium - First bus pickups at Inn on Square (Bus 1) and Holiday Inn (Bus 2) (each bus will do 3 roundtrips, with ~30 mins. between)
BRING YOUR POSTERS TO REDFIELD - they will be put up for you on Monday!
7:30-8:50 Breakfast (Tent)
Welcome and introductions
1. Workshop welcome & overview (Heather Benway, OCB/WHOI; Victoria Coles, UMCES; P. Dreux Chappell, Univ. South Florida, 25 mins)
2. Decadal review of OCB (Glenn Page, Sustainametrix, 15 mins)
3. Marine chemical speciation tutorial (Simon Clegg, Univ. East Anglia and David Turner, Univ. Gothenburg, 10 mins)
4. BCO-DMO engagement (Danie Kinkade, Adam Shepherd, 10 mins)
10:00-3:30 -- Plenary Session: Marine biodiversity and ecosystem resilience
Chairs: Tricia Thibodeau, Randie Bundy, Victoria Coles, Dreux Chappell, Susanne Menden-Deuer
10:00 Session Introduction (session organizers)
10:10 What (if anything) does biodiversity have to do with ocean carbon and biogeochemistry? (J. Emmett Duffy, Smithsonian Environmental Research Ctr)
10:40 Phytoplankton functional diversity in an era of environmental change (Tammi Richardson, Univ. South Carolina)
11:00 Lightning talks
Ecosystem community composition and biogeochemical cycles: Community Earth System Model Simulations with multiple plankton functional types (Jun Yu, UCI)
Diatoms in motion: multi-year time series reveals synchronous communities (Diana Fontaine, URI)
Phenotypic diversity is foundational to marine microbial biodiversity (Susanne Menden-Deuer, URI)
11:15 Break
11:40 Find the helpers: Prioritizing multiple-driver studies of key taxa (Gwenn Hennon, Univ. Alaska Fairbanks)
12:00 Lightning talks
Exploring the role of cryptic sulfur cycling in hypoxia formation: insights from the Chesapeake Bay biogeochemical model (Rui Jin, Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Microbial energy turnover rates and nutrient cycling under elevated temperature (Kim Popendorf, RSMAS)
Getting small helps you survive in a warmer ocean (Mike Roman, UMCES)
12:15 Networking Lunch (assigned seating, find your table # assignment on the printed list or click for table assignments
1:45-2:05 Lightning talks
Microbial abundance and community structure along particle size gradients in the Chesapeake Bay and Sargasso Sea (Jacob Cram, UMCES)
Ecosystem predictability in an Earth System Model (Graeme MacGilchrist, Univ. St. Andrews)
Modeled biodiversity affects ecosystem function and resilience to change (Victoria Coles, UMCES)
2:05 Disturbance, persistence, and resilience of microbes (Jessica M. Labonté, TAMU-G)
2:25 Set up debate
2:30 Debate
3:30 Break (Tent)
4:00 Agency updates and Q&A (panel format)
NSF Chemical Oceanography (Elizabeth Canuel, Rolf Sonnerup)
NSF Biological Oceanography (Cynthia Suchman, Ricardo Letelier)
NASA Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry (Laura Lorenzoni)
NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (Alyse Larkin)
NOAA Ocean Acidification (Jessica Cross)
5:00 Transit to Clark via buses
5:30-7:30 Poster Session and welcome reception (Clark 507, Quissett Campus)
7:00 Buses start transporting participants to hotels
Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - times in ET Start the day in Redfield (Village Campus)
7:15 am Shuttles transport participants from hotels to Redfield Auditorium - First bus pickups at Inn on Square at street entrance of hotel driveway (Bus 1) and Holiday Inn (Bus 2) (each bus will do 3 roundtrips, with ~30 mins. between)
7:30-9:00 Breakfast (Tent)
9:00-1:00 -- Plenary Session: Marginal sea biogeochemical cycling in the Anthropocene
Chairs: Xinping Hu, Emily Osborne, Matheus Fagundes
9:00 Session Introduction (Xinping Hu, TAMU-CC; Emily Osborne, NOAA/AOML)
Processes & Opportunities in Marginal Sea Systems
9:10 Marginal seas as carbon sinks during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
(Nina Papadomanolaki, Cerege, France) (virtual)
9:25 Abating marginal sea eutrophication, hypoxia and implications for nutrient management (Hongjie Wang, Univ. Rhode Island)
9:40 Metabolic alkalinity generation in adjacent zones of the North Sea (Mona Norbisrath, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon)
9:55 Quantifying intended and unintended human impacts on the carbon cycle of marginal seas (Brendan Carter, NOAA/PMEL)
10:10 The Black Sea as an analogue for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (Sophie Gill, Isometric, virtual)
10:25 Group Q&A
10:35 Break
Regional Perspectives of Marginal Sea Systems
11:00 Biogeochemical cycling in the Mediterranean Sea (Marta Álvarez, Spanish Institute of Oceanography)
11:20 Dynamics of C and N in the marginal seas of the western Pacific (Kitack Lee, Pohang University of Science and Technology)
11:40 Drivers, dynamics, and impacts of changing carbon cycles in the Arctic marginal seas (Zhangxian Ouyang, University of Delaware)
12:00 Surface water CO2 variability in the Gulf of Mexico (Andrea Kealoha, Univ. Hawai’i) (virtual)
12:20 Group Q&A
12:30 Panel discussion (Moderator: Matheus Fagundes, Univ. Georgia)
1:00 Peer Mentoring Lunch (Tent)
2:30-6:00 -- Plenary Session: Quantifying mCDR efficacy and uncertainty
Chairs: Patrick Rafter, Jaime Palter, Tim DeVries, Nicola Wiseman, David "Roo" Nicholson
2:30 Session introduction (Jaime Palter, URI; Patrick Rafter, UCI, Tim DeVries, UCSB)
2:40 Modeling the limits and CO2 equilibration of near-coast ocean alkalinity enhancement (Jing He, Isometric)
3:00 Phytoplankton responses to ocean alkalinity enhancement: Insights from laboratory and mesocosm experiments (James Gately, UCSB)
3:20 Lightning talks
Introducing the Northeast Shelf OAE Experiment (Adam Subhas, WHOI)
Developing an MRV roadmap for electrochemical ocean alkalinity enhancement (Mallory Ringham, Ebb Carbon, Inc.)
Biomass storage in anoxic marine basins: Initial estimates of geochemical impacts and CO2 sequestration capacity (Natalya Evans, UCSB)
3:35 Economic and biophysical uncertainties of macroalgae farming for mCDR (Julianne DeAngelo, UCI)
3:55 What a cost model says about uncertainty related to ocean iron fertilization (David Emerson, Bigelow Laboratory)
4:15 Break
4:40 [C]Worthy: Building the tools needed to ensure safe and effective ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (Matt Long, C-Worthy/NCAR)
5:00 Lightning talks
Longer sequestration time scales of CDR strategies from slowing overturning circulation (Yi Liu, UCI)
Potential contributions of Uncrewed Surface platforms to MRV (Jaime Palter, URI)
MRV is not just for carbon (Ken Buesseler, WHOI)
Multiscale observing system simulation experiments for iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean, Equatorial Pacific, and Northeast Pacific (Dennis McGillicuddy, WHOI)
Seawater carbon isotopes and their (potential) ability to help us MRV (Patrick Rafter, UCI)
5:25 Panel discussion and Q&A (Moderator: Nicola Wiseman, UCI; David “Roo” Nicholson, WHOI)
6:00 Buses back to Inn on Square and Holiday Inn w/stop at Clark parking
6:00-7:30 Program manager reception with students/postdocs (Tent)
~7:30 Buses back to Inn on Square and Holiday Inn w/stop at Clark parking lot
6:30-7:30 McLane Labs welcomes you to please join us for Social Hour at the Quahog Republic Leeside Pub (29 Railroad Ave, Woods Hole, participants in Falmouth hotels can either rideshare or catch shuttle back to hotels from Redfield) (participants in Falmouth hotels please self-organize rideshares)
Dinner on your own
see restaurant list
Wednesday June 14, 2023 - times in ET Start the day in Clark (Quissett Campus)
7:40-7:50 am Bus 1 at Holiday Inn
Bus 2 at Inn on the Square (Bus 1) to bring participants to Clark (allow ~30 mins. between bus trips, depending on traffic)
Sands of Time (at street entrance of hotel driveway) pick up will be after first drop off at Clark (this time will depend on traffic!)
8:00-10:00 Breakfast Poster Session (Clark 507 Quissett Campus)
10:00 Transit to Redfield via buses
10:30-12:30 -- Plenary Session: Role of deltaic sediments in regulating biogeochemical cycles
Chairs: Shaily Rahman, Jessica Luo, Cristina Schultz
10:30 Session introduction and OCB Benthic Ecosystem & Carbon Synthesis (BECS) working group highlight (Shaily Rahman, CU Boulder; Jessica Luo, NOAA/GFDL, Cristina Schultz, Northeastern Univ.)
10:45 Deltas as dynamic diagenetic and biogeochemical cycling systems (Robert Aller, Stony Brook Univ.)
11:10 Global river deltas and their relevance within Earth’s sediment source to sink (Jaap Nienhuis, Utrecht Univ.)
11:35 Distributary channel dynamics control water and sediment dispersal along deltaic coastlines (Brandee Carlson, Univ. Houston)
11:50 Tools for interrogating deltas (Elizabeth Chamberlain, Wageningen Univ.)
12:05 Sea level and river deltas across time scales: From the last lowstand to modern anthropogenic alterations (Till Hanebuth, Coastal Carolina Univ.)
12:30 Lunch (Tent)
1:45-3:35 -- Plenary Session: Role of deltaic sediments in regulating biogeochemical cycles (cont’d)
1:45 Oxygen and carbon dynamics in river-influenced shelf sediments (Kanchan Maiti, Louisiana State Univ.)
2:10 The biogeochemical cycling of Si and P in deltaic systems (Shaily Rahman, CU Boulder)
2:35 A Mouth(ful) of Mangroves Taking Root in Tropical Deltas (David Lagomasino, East Carolina Univ.)
3:00 Panel discussion
3:30 PACE Mission Update (Jeremy Werdell, NASA GSFC)
3:45 Mixotrophs & Mixotrophy Working Group Update (Jessica Luo, NOAA/GFDL)
3:55 OSM24 Update (Adam Martiny, UCI)
4:00 Buses transport participants from Redfield to Inn on Square and Holiday Inn with stop at Clark parking lot
4:00-6:30 Free time to do fun Cape Cod things with your colleagues!
6:15 Buses transport participants from Inn on Square and Holiday Inn to Redfield for workshop dinner
6:30-9:00 Workshop dinner (Tent)
8:30 Buses start transporting participants back to Inn on Square and Holiday Inn with stop in Clark parking lot (they will make multiple trips)
Thursday, June 15, 2023 - times in ET Start the day in Redfield (Village Campus)
7:15 am First bus pickups at Inn on Square (Bus 1) and Holiday Inn (Bus 2) to bring participants to Redfield (each bus will do 3 trips, with probably ~30 mins. between)
7:30-9:00 Breakfast (tent)
9:00-12:30 -- Plenary Session: Sustained observations of global ocean biology
Chairs: Adam Martiny, Luke Thompson, Alyse Larkin, Zachary Erickson, Susanne Craig
9:00 Session introduction (Luke Thompson, NOAA/AOML)
9:05 Ocean biology - Opportunities, challenges, and our future (Paula Bontempi, URI)
9:30 Transformative in situ technologies for monitoring life in a changing ocean (Julie Robidart, National Oceanography Centre)
9:55 Lightning talks on emerging capabilities and Q&A
Assessing the potential of backscattering as a proxy for phytoplankton carbon biomass (Camila Serra-Pompei, MIT)
Standards and best practices for the collection and assessment of operational phytoplankton observations (Aimee Neeley, NASA)
A particle size structure database based on sustained observations from plankton imaging systems (Marco Corrales-Ugalde, Princeton Univ.)
Environmental DNA sampling strategies for observing ocean twilight zone animal diversity (Annette Govindarajan, WHOI)
Marine Ecological Time Series in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fisheries Zone (Southwestern Atlantic)(Carla Florencia Berghoff, INIDEP)
10:25 Break
10:55 From microbes to vertebrates: A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for monitoring life in the sea (Enrique Montes, NOAA)
11:20 Sustained global scale biological observations: Assessing changes to ocean plankton systems (Nicole Poulton, Bigelow Laboratory)
11:45 Panel discussion (Moderator: Alyse Larkin, NOAA)
12:30 Closing remarks
1:00 Lunch (tent)
1:00 Buses start transporting participants back to Inn on Square and Holiday Inn with stop in Clark parking lot (they will make multiple trips)
1:30-4:30 -- Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting (Carriage House, Quissett Campus)
1:30-5:00 -- MarChemSpec tutorial Session 1 (Clark 507/hybrid) (Session 1)
Session 2: Friday, June 16 (8:00-12:00) - Clark 271/hybrid