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Office hours will be hybrid this semester, generally held in the Joint Program Student Center, and alternate between Mondays and Thursdays to accommodate varied schedules. Please check the mit-whoi Slack weekly for the link to the virtual office hour, or feel free to reach out via email.

Office hours will be held on the following dates:

March 10, 1-2 pm (Thursday)

March 14, 3-4 pm (Monday)

March 24, 1-2 pm (Thursday)

March 28, 3-4 pm (Monday)

April 7, 1-2 pm (Thursday)

April 11, 3-4 pm (Monday)

April 21, 1-2 pm (Thursday)

April 31, 3-4 pm (Monday)

May 4, 1-2 pm (Thursday)


We hope to see you there!