OCB Biogeochemical Profiling Float Workshop
9-13 July 2018
School of Oceanography at the University of Washington
Seattle, Washington USA
Day 1, July 9, 2018
0800 Breakfast
[Morning session rapporteur B. King]0830-0850 Introduction and Rationale (Riser)
0850-0950 A discussion of basic float technology: buoyancy engine, CTD (Riser) (hands-on demo)
0950-1020 BREAK
Basic BGC sensors (theory of operation, basics of lab calibration, etc.) (Johnson)
1020-1120 O2 (Bushinsky)
1120-1220 Nitrate (Johnson)
1220-1320 LUNCH (plus lab tours)
[afternoon session rapporteur A. Fassbender]1320-1420 (c) pH (Takeshita)
1420-1520 (d) FLBB (Plant)
1520-1550 BREAK
1550-1630 Some programs using BGC floats, underway and future (BGC Argo; SOCCOM, etc.) (discussion led by Johnson/Claustre)
1630-1730 Plans/updates from international float programs
- Mexico
- Canada
- Norway
- Brazil
- France
- Japan
- UK
[Note: there will be some additional time for discussion of these issues on the afternoon of Day 3]
1730 RECEPTION (Ocean Sciences Building Lobby)
Day 2, July 10, 2018
0800 Breakfast
[morning session rapporteur B. Carter] 0830-1030 Sensor adjustment/calibration using field data (30 minutes each) (Johnson)- Oxygen (Bushinsky)
- Nitrate (Johnson)
- pH (Takeshita)
- FLBB (Plant)
1030-1100 BREAK
1100-1230 The path from float data collection to data availability (30 minutes each) (Maurer/Plant/Claustre)
- Data adjustments and calibration procedures (SOCCOM SAGE_O2 and SAGE)
- Online data availability
- Archiving: Argo GDAC – Coriolis
1230-1330 LUNCH (plus lab tours)
[afternoon session rapporteur N. Williams]1330-1500 Shipboard support measurements: the synergy of BGC floats and GO-SHIP; measurements outside of GO-SHIP (Talley)
1500-1530 BREAK
1530-1700 Scientific issues that can be addressed by BGC float technology and the potential development of future proposals. [Note: there will be a more detailed discussion of BGC-Argo later] (20 minutes each) (discussion led by Johnson/Riser/Talley) Various participants will contribute.
1730 DINNER AT SEABIRD ELECTRONICS (leave UW at 1730; transportation provided by SBE)
Day 3, July 11, 2018
0800 Breakfast
[morning session rapporteur A. Gray] 0830-0945 Additional BGC sensors and characteristics of sensors from different manufacturers; development of new sensors and future capabilities (20 minutes each) (Martz)- Irradiance, plankton imaging, transmissometer beam C (Claustre)
- Total Alkalinity, DIC (Martz, Briggs)
- Gas tension device (GTD), N2 (Altabet)
0945-1030 BGC float data centers and data distribution; the use of BGC float data, real-time and adjusted; formatting of BGC float data; getting BGC data from Argo and from other online sources (Johnson/Plant/Maurer)
1030-1100 BREAK
1100-1200 Tools for calibration and estimation of other carbon parameters from BGC float data (20 minutes each) (Carter/Williams)
- MLRs/LIAR (Carter)
- pCO2 corrections from pH (Williams)
- CANYON (Claustre)
1200-1300 LUNCH (plus lab tours)
[afternoon session rapporteur T. Martz]1300-1500 BGC Argo: the relationship to core-Argo and BGC float experiments: what, where, when, why, cost, etc. (Johnson/Riser)
- BGC Argo relationship to Argo
- EEZ issues, IOC clearances, data system, core floats
1500-1530 BREAK
1530-1700 Continue the discussion of BGC Argo (possible national participation, possible resources, how to continue the planning process, possible new programs) (Johnson/Riser)
Day 4, July 12, 2018
0800 Breakfast
[morning session rapporteur R. Hamme] Presentations from manufacturers of BGC float and sensor technology (1-2 hours each) (Riser)0830-1000 SeaBird Electronics
1030-1200 Teledyne/Webb
LUNCH (30 minutes) (plus lab tours)
(afternoon rapporteur S. Bushinsky)
1230-1345 NKE
1345-1500 RBR
1530-1630 Aanderaa
1630-1730 Rockland
(ends at 1730)
Day 5, July 13, 2018
0830 Breakfast
[rapporteur J. Plant] 0900-1030 Meeting summary and discussion; next steps; the connection between individual researchers and larger projects; a summary of potential scientific proposals (Johnson/Riser/Talley)1030-1100 BREAK
1100-1200 Final closing discussion and remarks (Johnson/Riser/Talley etc.)
Meeting ends (lab tours available in the afternoon)