FAMOS Meeting #2, October 22-25, 2013
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
October 22, 2013: FAMOS School for young scientists, Redfield Auditorium
October 23-25, 2013: FAMOS meeting, Redfield Auditorium
A. List of Participants
B. Final Meeting Agenda
C. 2nd FAMOS Meeting Logistics Package
Contents [hide]
FAMOS School for Young Scientists
- Amala Mahadevan (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA): “Submesoscale processes, biophysical interactions, and the Arctic”
- Michael Karcher (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany): “Atlantic Water circulation in the Arctic Ocean”
- Ron Kwok (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA): “Arctic sea ice deformation, thickness, and large-scale mass balance”
- Outreach Discussion: Michael Steele (Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, Univ. of Washington) “What is computer modeling? (…of climate)”
- John Marshall (MIT, USA): “Building and removing stratification in the Arctic Ocean”
- Marika Holland (NCAR, USA): “Using coupled climate models to investigate the predictability of sea ice”
SESSION 1: Sea Ice Highlights Session
- Don Perovich (CRREL, USA): “2012 and 2013 sea ice conditions and results of 2012 sea ice outlook”
- Rick Allard et al. (NRL, USA): “An Assessment of the Navy’s Sea Ice Outlook Predictions for 2013”
- Daniel L. Feltham et al. (University of Reading, UK):“The changing Arctic sea ice cover: challenges to understanding and models”
- Sinead L. Farrell et al. (University of Maryland, USA): “An update on Arctic sea ice thickness conditions from airborne and satellite altimetry “
SESSION 2: Sea Ice Modeling and Observations
- Andrew Roberts (Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA): “Sea Ice Dynamics Scaling in the Regional Arctic System Model”
- Torge Martin et al. (University of Washington, USA): “Trends in momentum transfer into the Arctic Ocean and the role of optimum ice concentration”
- Bruno Tremblay (McGill University, Canada): “Lagrangian sea ice tracking technique for seasonal prediction of sea ice conditions”
- Frederic Dupont et al. (CMC, Environment Canada): “Environment Canada 1/12th ice-ocean Arctic-Atlantic model: improving the ice”
Discussion: Roberts and Martin Sea Ice Discussion for FAMOS and
Torge Sea Ice Discussion for FAMOS
SESSION 3: Poster Session (see one-slide poster summary presentations and/or posters at poster session below)
SESSION 4: Arctic Ocean Dynamics and Properties from Observations and Model Results
Summary of “Arctic Ocean dynamics and properties from observations and model results” poster session
- Golubeva Elena et al. (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia): “Variability of the Atlantic Water properties in the Arctic Ocean: 1948-2012 model results”
- David A. Hebert et al. (NRL, USA ): “Assessing the U.S. Navy Coupled Ice-Ocean Model vs. Recent Arctic Observations
- Yanni Ding(Maryland University, USA): “Arctic Ocean circulation in the CMIP5 models”
- Chen Chen et al. (UMASS, Dartmouth, USA): “The 35-year high-resolution AO-FVCOM model experiment” (Coming soon)
Discussion: Working group on Circulation experiments (conveners: Karcher and Aksenov)
SESSION 5: Ecosystem and Biogeochemical Modeling
Summary of ecosystem and biochemical modeling poster session
- Patricia Matrai (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, USA): “A brief introduction to the PPARR 5 adventure: A Net Primary Production Algorithm Round Robin focused on the Arctic Ocean”
- Jean-Éric Tremblay (University of Laval, Canada): “What have we learned on the seasonality of nutrient dynamics and the vertical distribution of primary production in the stratified Beaufort Sea?” (coming soon)
- Katya Popova (Marine Systems Modelling, National Oceanography Centre, U. Southampton, UK): “Modeling beauty contest: Arctic ecosystems in seven models competing for the next UK Earth System Model biogeochemistry”
SESSION 6: Climate States, Freshwater and Heat Content
Summary of climate states, freshwater and heat content poster session
- An T Nguyen et al. (MIT, USA): “Progress and Assessment of the Arctic & sub-polar North Atlantic state estimate”
- Wieslaw Maslowski (NPS, USA): “Modeling Seasonal to Decadal Climate Variability using the Regional Arctic System Model”
- Benjamin Rabe (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany): “Arctic freshwater changes and regional implications”
- Thomas Haine (The Johns Hopkins University, USA): “New synthesis of Arctic freshwater budget and fluxes”
- Claudia Cenedese (WHOI, USA): “Laboratory experiments investigating the influence of subglacial discharge on submarine melting of Greenland’s Glaciers”
- Jiayan Yang and Andrey Proshutinsky (WHOI, USA): “Dynamics of the Beaufort Gyre: A Balance between Ekman Pumping and Eddy Flux”
Discussion(Coming Soon)
SESSION 7: 2013-2014 FAMOS Coordinated Experiments
- Popova Ekaterina (NOC Southampton, UK): “Some ideas for FAMOS coordinated ecosystem studies Role of advection in Arctic Ocean ecosystem dynamics”
- Sheldon Bacon (NOC, Southampton, UK): “Arctic Ice and Ocean Heat and Freshwater Fluxes: A FAMOS Model Intercomparison Project”
- Aksenov Yevgeny (NOC Southampton, UK): “Coordinated water circulation experiments”
- John Toole (WHOI, USA): “Coordinated mixing experiments”
- Dmitri Dukhovskoy (Florida State University): “Coordinated Greenland freshwater flux experiment”
- Torge Martin and Andrew Roberts: “Coordinated sea ice experiments” (coming soon)
One Slide Poster Presentations
A. Sea Ice
- Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (UW,USA): “Predictability of sea ice conditions” (coming soon)
- Peter Davis (University of Oxford, UK): “Spin up of the Beaufort Gyre and the effects of Arctic sea ice cover”
- Dmitry Dukhovskoy et al. (Florida State University, USA): “Sea ice model evaluation: A topological approach”
- Daniela Flocco et al. (University of Reading, UK): “The impact of refreezing of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice thinning” (coming soon)
- Phillip Griewank (Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany): “Impact of parameterizing sea-ice salinity” (coming soon)
- Giulia Castellani et al. (Alfred Wegner Institute, Germany): “Implementation of sea-ice roughness dependent drag coefficients in a coupled sea-ice-ocean model and assessment of the effects in the sea-ice drift in the Arctic.”
- Jary Haapala et al. (Finnish Meterological Institute, Finland): “Small scale ice dynamics revealed by the coastal ice radar”
- Yukie Hata (McGill University, Canada): “In-Situ Internal Sea-Ice Stress Data from Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Modeling Anisotoropic Behavior of Sea Ice”
- Christophe Herbaut et al. (LOCEAN, CNRS/Universite’ Pierre et Maris Curie, Paris, France): “Variability of the Barents Sea winter sea ice in 1979-2011. (coming soon)
- Polona Itkin (Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany): “Sea ice running Atlantic Water?”
- Ann Keen et al. (Ridley Met Office, Hadley Centre, UK): “Drivers of Arctic sea ice decline in the HadGEM1 coupled model”
- Alexander Komarov et al. (University of Manitoba, Canada): “Detection of Wind Speed and Sea Ice Motion in the Marginal Ice Zone from RADARSAT-2 Images”
- Mi Ok Kwon (The Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea): “Numerical simulation on oceanic state and sea ice distribution of the Arctic Ocean”
- De Silva, Lianarachchi Waruna Arampath (The University of Tokyo, Japan): “Numerical investigation of sea ice prediction to support ice navigation in the Northern Sea route”
- Einar Olason (Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology, Germany): “Dynamical modeling of Kara Sea land-fast ice”
- Jamie Rae (Met office Hadley Centre, United Kingdom): “A sensitivity study of the sea ice simulation in the global coupled climate model, HadGEM3”
- Julia M. Ruth et al. (University of Maryland, USA): “Assessment of Arctic sea ice freeboard from photon-counting laser altimetry: Pre-launch activities for NASA’s ICESat-2 Mission”
- Michel Tsamados (University of Reading, UK): “Impact of variable drag coefficients on Arctic sea ice and ocean spin-up and down”
- WITHDRAWN: Wilbert Weijer et al. (Los Alamos National Laboratories): “The Arctic ocean/sea ice system in a high-resolution coupled climate model”
- James Williams (McGill University, Canada): “Using Algebraic Multigrid to Precondition the Viscous Plastic Sea Ice Momentum Equations” (coming soon)
- Jinping Zhao (Ocean Iniversity of China, China): “Non-numerical forecasting of sea ice concentration induced by lateral melting”
B. Arctic Ocean Dynamics and Properties from Observations and Model Results
- Evgeny Aksenov (Southampton Oceaongraphic Center, UK): “Preconditioning of the Arctic outflow west of Greenland: Ocean Circulation in the Lincoln Sea”
- Tachanat Bhatrasataponkul (Florida State University, USA): “Pathways and transformation of Greenland’s excessive freshwater in the Nordic Sea” (coming soon)
- Beth Curry (University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory, USA): “Davis Strait observations”
- Seth Danielson (IMS UAF, USA): “Circulation variability on the Bering-Chukchi shelves in resopnse to local and remote wind forcing” (coming soon)
- Dustin Carroll (University of Oregon, USA): “Oceanic response to buoyancy, wind nad tidal forcing in a Greenlandic glacial fjord”
- Vera Fofonova (AWI, Germany): “The simulation of circuation in the Laptev Sea shelf zone using FVCOM”
- Renske Gelderloos (University of Oxford, UK): “Modeling the Canadian Archipelago”
- Simon Higginson et al. (Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada): “Validation of the CONCEPTS 1/12 degree ARctic-Atlantic ice-ocean model: Water masses and transports”
- Pål Erik Isachsen (Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway): “Ocean eddy fluxes in the Arctic and their parameterization in climate Models”
- Jennifer Jackson (ASL Environmental Sciences, Canada): “The formation, transport, and fate of Beaufort Shelf Winter Water in the Canadian Beufort Sea from 2009-2011.
- Markus Janout (AWI, Germany): “Semidiurnal tides on the Laptev Sea shelf with implications for shear and mixing”
- Hyunjung Lee (Korea Polar Research Institute, Korea): “Annual variability in water column structure regarding heat content and freshwater content in the Pacific sector of Arctic Ocean, last 3 years” (coming soon)
- Ho Jin Lee (th eKorea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea): “Tidal mixing effect on the Arctic Sea circulation and sea ice distribution using OGCM” (coming soon)
- Zhenxia Long and William Perrie (Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada): “Impacts of climate change on sub-surface water temperature”
- Maria Luneva (NOC, UK): “Effect of mixing nad ageostrophic circulations induced by tides on multi-decadal scale on the changes in ice, temperature and salinity fields”
- Charlotte Marcinko (NOC, Southampton, UK): “Characterizing horizontal variability in the Arctic Ocean” (coming soon)
- Aleksi Nummelin (Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Norway): “Role of the changing river runoff in the Arctic ocean stratification”
- Cecilia Peralta-Ferriz (Univ. of WA, USA): “Evolution of mixed layer depth in the Arctic from historic CTD data”
- Mike Spall (WHOI, USA): “A simple model for the halocline and Atlantic Water circulation in the Arctic”
- Arlid Sundfjord et al. (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norway): “Upper-ocean vertical fluxes in the Atlantic Water inflow region North of Svalbard”
- Mary-Louise Timmermans (Yale University, USA): “Pacific Summer Water in the Central Canada Basin”
C. Climate States, Freshwater and Heat Content
- Yanni Ding et al. (University of Maryland, USA): “Seasonal Arctic heat budgets in CMIP5 models”
- Ayan Chaudhuri (AER, USA): “Impact of atmospheric forcing uncertanties on Arctic state estimates” (not available)
- John Guthrie (Polar Science Center, Applied Physicas Laboratory, University of Washington, USA)” “Recent Microstructure Observations from the Eurasian Basin”
- WITHDRAWN: Amber M. Holdsworth (University of Alberta, Canada): “The Labrador Sea as a “Vital Organ” in the Earth System”
- WITHDRAWN: Richard Krishfield et al. (WHOI, USA): “Deterioation of perennial sea ice in the Beaufort Gyre from 2003 to 2012 and its impact on the oceanic freshwater cycle” (File not available.)
- Camille Lique (Oxford University, UK) “Vertical mixing and heat flux study”
- Steffen Malskaer Olsen (Polar Oceanography, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark): “Variability of the Arctic Ocean freshwater reservoir in a coupled climate model” (not available)
- Per Pemberton (Stockholm University, Sweden): “Tracing sources and sinks of freshwater in a regional Arctic Ocean model”
- Will Perrie and Zhenxia Long (Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada): “Impacts of climate change on fresh water content and sea surface height in the Beaufort Sea”
- Gennady Platov (Institute of Computational Mathematics an dMathematical Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia): “On the freshwater content modeling in the Arctic basin: A sensitivity study”
- WITHDRAWN: Andrey Proshutinsky (WHOI, USA): “Atmospheric forcing uncertainties to drive simulation of freshwater content variability”
- Hyodae Seo (WHOI, USA): “Dynamics of the near-surface wind response to Arctic sea ice”
- William Williams (Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada): :The changes observed between 2012 and 2013 in the Beaufort Gyre and their casues”
- Jonathan Whitefield (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA): “A new high-resolution forcing of Arctic river discharge”
D. Ecosystem and Biogeochemical Modeling
- Fillippa Fransner (Stockholm University, Sweden): “Tracing terrestrial dissovled organic carbon in the Baltic Sea – a 3D model study”
- WITHDRAWN: Ho Kyung Ha (Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheaon, Korea): “Measurement of suspended particulate matter beneath Arctic sea ice during the summer season of rapid melting”
- Rubao Ji et al. (WHOI, USA): “Phenology of Sea Ice an dPrimary Production in the Arctic Ocean”
- Meibing Jin (IARC, USA): “Ocean mixing under sea ice with multi-column ocean grid in CESM and its impact on ecosystem dynamics”
- Valentina Malakhova and Elena Golubeva (Institute of Computational MAthematics and MAthematical Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia): “Modeling of subsea permafrost related methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf”
- Molly A. Palmer (ExxonMobil Research and Engineering, USA): “A new 1-D biogeochemical model of the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean: modeling the impacts of sea ice retreat, thinning, and melt pond proliferation on the summer phytoplankton bloom”
- Josie Robinson (National Oceanography Centre, U. Southampton, UK): “Is the melting of Arctic sea-ice blurring the biological boundaries between ocean basins?”
- WITHDRAWN: Natalia Shakhov et al. (IARC, UAF, USA): “Lateral transport of methane in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean as referred rom water circulation pattern”
- Nadja Steiner (Institute of Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada): “Model intercomparisons within the SCOR WG BEPSII (Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at Sea-Ice Interfaces) – Overview and early results”
- Jean-Éric Temblay (University of Laval, Canada): “Nutrients and biological productiivty in the Arctic Ocean: an overview of major issues” (coming soon)