Beginning in 2009, AOMIP organized a 1-day school for researchers new to the field of arctic marine modeling the day before the “main” 2.5-day workshop. The focus is on graduate students, postdocs, “post-postdocs” (i.e., those who have only recently moved into more permanent positions) and even more senior scientists from other fields who are new to arctic research. The day consists of five-six, 40 minute lectures by senior scientists on topics of basic and topical interest to arctic marine modeling. FAMOS co-PI, Mike Steele works closely with the scientists to ensure that each lecture covers a basic introduction to the field, a discussion of new and topical results, and then a look forward to expected future developments that these students might one day address. School attendance in the first year was 14 students, and in the past 3 years has exceeded 20 students each year. Students come from all across the US, in addition to Canada, Europe, and Asia. Please contact Mike Steele or/and Andrey Proshutinsky with your ideas on how to improve these schools and what interesting topics that would be important to present in the future.