The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) – International Planning and Coordination Workshop
May 15-16, 2019
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
There will be an open coordination and planning workshop to continue planning the Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) project on May 15-16, 2019 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, MA, USA. The SAS is a developing international program envisioned to mount a coordinated, multi-nation, oceanographic field based effort on a Pan Arctic scale quasi-synoptically over two summer seasons (2020-202) to achieve the baseline understanding of the fundamental structure and function of the linked Arctic carbon-ecosystem-physical systems that will permit detection of ongoing and future changes. The goals of the workshop include planning coordinated field sampling, international data sharing, education including graduate student participation, post field-season data synthesis, public outreach, and involvement of indigenous communities and identifying additional measurements (e.g., atmospheric measurements) or approaches (e.g., modeling) that would contribute to accomplishing the goals of the SAS. The SAS is a ground-up effort and wide participation, including all professional levels of scientists, graduate students, and science managers across multiple disciplines and indigenous community members, in the planning is welcome!