A. Sea Ice
A01. Charles Brunette: Coastal Divergence as a Predictor for the Minimum Sea Ice Extent
A02. Mitch Bushuk: Summer enhancement of Arctic sea-ice volume anomalies in the September-ice zone
A03. Helge Goessling: A probabilistic verification score for contours demonstrated with idealized ice-edge forecasts
A03-A. Helge Goessling: YOPP (Year of Polar Predictions) goals and plans
A05. David Hebert: Assimilating high resolution VIIRS sea ice concentration into the U.S. Navy Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System (ACNFS)
A06. Alexandra Jahn: How predictable is the timing of a summer ice-free Arctic?
A07. Mahdi Mohammadi-Aragh: Potential predictability of Arctic sea-ice linear kinematic features in high-resolution ensemble simulations
A08. Erica Rosenblum: Apparent Arctic sea ice modeling improvement caused by volcanoes
A09. Qinghua Yang: The challenge and benefit of using sea ice concentration satellite data products with uncertainty estimates in summer sea ice data assimilation
A11. Amelie Bouchat: Do viscous-plastic sea-ice models need more shear strength?
A12. Giulia Castellani: Arctic Ice algae distribution as function of large scale sea ice variables
A13. Giulia Castelleni: Sea-ice drag as function of deformation and ice cover: Effects on simulated sea ice and ocean circulation in the Arctic
A15. Veronique Dansereau: A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle model for the drift and deformation of sea ice
A17. Yukie Hata: The forces acting on sea ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and preliminary results of estimated sea ice strength
A18. Nils Hutter: Scaling properties of Arctic sea ice deformation in high-resolution viscous-plastic sea ice models
A19. Martin Losch: Viscous-Plastic sea-ice solutions with Elastic-Viscous-Plastic sea-ice solvers
A20b. Mathieu Plante: Land-fast ice modeling: Ice arch formations from a linear elastic model
A21. Abigail Ahlert: Assessing melt season characterizes in the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble
A23. Thomas Haine: The Arctic-sunarctic sea ice system is entering the seasonal regime
A26. Valentin Ludwig: Towards a merged sea ice concentration product at 1 km resolution from passive microwave and optical observations
A27. Marjan Marbouti: Deriving Sea ice information from Coastal radar data in X band and Satellite SAR imagery in C, and X bands, around Hailuoto island, during the ice formation and melting period
A28. Morven Muilwijk: Bottom melting of Arctic Sea Ice in the Nansen Basin due to Atlantic Water influence
A29. Ingrid Onarheim: Arctic sea ice change from 1850 to present – where, when, how?
A30. Christine Provost: Observations of snow-ice formation in a thinner Arctic sea ice regime during the N-ICE2015 campaign: influence of basal ice melt and storms
A31. Rebecca Rolph: Quantifying the influence of atmospheric patterns and storms on the timing of fall freeze-up
A32. Anja Rösel: State of the sea ice during N-ICE2015
A33. Heidi Sallila: Cryosat-2 SAR altimeter sea ice thickness and freeboard retrieval validation and improvement with ocean model NEMO-LIM3 and other EO sources
A34. Cristina Schultz: High-Resolution Simulation of Sea Ice, circulation and biogeochemistry in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
A36. Richard Cullather: Systematic improvements in Arctic atmospheric reanalyses: Progress and prospects
A37. Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth: Stability of polar atmospheric teleconnections in dynamical models
A38. Melanie Fewings: Conditional Averaging of Satellite Ocean Vector Winds: An Analysis Technique with Potential for Use in the Arctic
A39. Irina Overeem: Modeling Sea Ice Decline and Impacts on Coastal Processes
A40. Dmitry Dukhovskoy: Comparison of the ocean surface vector winds from atmospheric reanalyses and scatterometer-based wind products over the North Atlantic
A41. Pål Erik Isachsen: The Arctic4 coupled ocean-ice-ecosystem model
B. Bio-Geo-Eco Posters
B04. Meibing Jin: Arctic ecosystem modeling using high resolution fully coupled RASM
B05. Rafael Goncalves-Araujo: Using fluorescent dissolved organic matter to trace Arctic surface fresh water
B07. Achim Randelhoff: Stratification, Turbulence and Nutrients: Present and Future of Primary Production in the Arctic Ocean
B08. Vibe Schourup-Kristensen: Effect of resolution on Arctic Net Primary Production
B11. Anatoly Ivakin: Remote estimating methane emissions from submarine permafrost in the Arctic: methods and uncertainties
B12. Marina Frants: Coupling climate and biogeochemistry in the high-resolution Regional Arctic System Model
C. Ocean Posters
C01. Yana Bebieva: The relationship between double-diffusive intrusions and staircases in the Arctic Ocean
C02. Melanie Chanona: Spatial and temporal variability of internal waves and their effect on mixing in the Canadian Arctic
C03. Hayley Dosser: Circulation and mixing in the deep Canada Basin
C04. Elena Golubeva: A comparison of vertical mixing parametrizations on the simulation of the ice and upper ocean state in the Arctic Ocean model
C05. Igor Kozlov: Surface currents, strong baroclinic tides and internal solitary waves in the Arctic Gibraltar (Kara Gates Strait)
C07. Rym Msadek: Benefits of enhanced oceanic and atmospheric resolution for Arctic sea ice predictability
C08. Paul Myers: Shelf-Basin exchange in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay
C09. Eshwan Ramuda: A large eddy simulation study of heat entrainment under sea ice in the Canadian Arctic Basin
C10. Nicole Shibley: A Basin-Wide Examination of the Arctic Ocean’s Double-Diffusive Staircase
C12. Jacquie-Lee Thibault: Quantifying the impact of internal tide mixing on shelf-basin exchange in a numerical model of the Arctic Ocean
C13. Mary-Louise Timmermans: Seasonal ventilation of the Canada Basin halocline
C14. Marta Trodahl: The mesoscale eddy field in the northern North Atlantic and its relationship to linear baroclinic instability
C15. Mengnan Zhao: Evolution of the eddy field in the Arctic Ocean’s Canada Basin, 2005-2015
C16. Marius Arthun: On Anomalous Ocean Heat Transport toward the Arctic and Associated Climate Predictability
C20. Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome: Reconstructing Temperature and Salinity in the Chukchi and Eastern Siberian Seas: Simulation and Evaluation of Oceanic Analyses
C22. Stephen Kelly: Oil Spills in the Arctic: Modelling Circulation Pathways in the Arctic Ocean
C23. Erwing Lambert: Thermohaline Circulation with Three Stable Regimes of Flow
C24. Camille Lique: Insight on the Arctic halocline formation from a Lagrangian model analysis
C25. Maria Luneva: Effects of tides on Riverine and Glacial freshwater transport in the Arctic Ocean
C26. Barry Ma: The variations and trends of vertical Ekman transport in the Arctic region
C27. Gennady Platov: The study of the Arctic Ocean sensitivity to variations of solar radiation
C29. Qiang Wang: Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic in a model with CORE forcing: An extension of the CORE-II exercise
C30. Melissa Zweng: Arctic data in the World Ocean Database
C31. Helen Johnson: Change in Arctic Ocean freshwater storage in response to a step change in wind forcing
C32. Tamas Kovacs: Drivers of freshwater distribution in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans
C33. Rory Laiho: Internal Variability in the Arctic Freshwater Budget
C34. Craig Lee: Upper Ocean Eevolution across the Beaufort Sea Marginal Ice Zone
C36. Laura Niederdrenk: Arctic freshwater variability in the 21st century in a regionally coupled climate model
C38. Takamasa Tsubouchi: Observed seasonal to inter-annual variation of the Arctic Ocean heat and fresh water transports
C39. Claudia Wekerle: Recirculation of Atlantic Water in Fram Strait: A high resolution modeling study
C40. Yevgeny Aksenov: Tracking North Atlantic water in eddy-resolving permitting simulations
C41. Agnieszka Beszczynska-Moller: Splitting of Atlantic water transport towards the Arctic Ocean into the Fram Strait and Barents Sea Branches – mechanisms and consequences
C42. Dina Iakshina: Study of the Atlantic Water Influence on the Arctic Sea Ice Cover State
C44. Tom Armitage: Arctic Ocean geostrophic circulation and eddy kinetic energy 2003-2014
C45. Almansi, Mattia: Variabibility in Cicrulation and Hydrgraphic Structures in the Denmark Strait
C46. Renske Gelderloos: Seasonal variability in pathways and along-path transformation of warm water masses towards Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord
C47. Markus Janout: On river water, Atlantic water upwelling and dense water formation in Vilkitsky Trough in the eastern Arctic from moorings and high-resolution CTD measurements
C48. Zoe Koening: Winter ocean-ice interactions under thin sea-ice observed by IAOOS platforms during N-ICE2015: salty surface mixed layer and active basal melt
C50. Juliana Marson: Cascading off the West Greenland Shelf: A numerical perspective
C51. Sangmanee Chalermrat: Trends in the along-shelf flow over Southeast and Southwest Greenland continental shelves
C55. Vladislaw Petrusevich: Fresh water fluxes under landfast sea ice in Southeast Hudson Bay
C56. Natasha Ridenour: Modelling freshwater dynamics and pathways in the Hudson Bay Complex using the ANHA4 configuration
C57. Stefanie Rynders: Modelling dynamics of The Marginal Ice Zone
C59. Mike Steele: The Phenology of Arctic Ocean Surface Warming
C61. Daniel Torres: Vertical Structure and Dynamics of the Beaufort Gyre Subsurface Layer from ADCP Observations
C62. Eiji Watanabe: Winter ocean heat transport driven by subsurface shelf-break jet north of Chukchi Sea
C63. James Carton: Variability of the Arctic ocean/sea ice system in SODA3