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Pulse Survey Results

January 2023

Answers to the Pulse Survey questions are categorized to be able to provide a high-level overview of the areas that are folks are happy with and those that are in need of improvement.  The category definitions are listed below.  The actual text answers will be reviewed by the WCC Co-chairs (Sheri N. White & Konrad Hughen), the CPO (Yessica Cancel) and the CDEIO (Natalie Nevárez) so identify more specific actions that can be taken to address climate issues.

Category definitions:

  • Community & Culture - the broader WHOI community including climate, events, committees, and broader groups of people one interacts with
  • Colleagues - co-workers with whom you typically interact with, including students, post-docs, admins, etc.
  • Work - projects, workload, and productivity
  • Work-Life Balance - personal moments/activities beyond work
  • WHOI Policy & Leadership - institutional structure, policies, procedures and communications
  • Supervisor/Management - supervisors, managers, and the skill set required
  • Staffing - workforce size, hiring, and retention
  • Compensation - salary and benefits such as vacation time, health insurance
  • Institutional Support - WHOI support groups such as Facilities, IS, HR, Communications and Development
  • Housing - housing either WHOI-owned or within the community and it’s impact
  • Weather - actual environmental weather conditions, which we have no control over, but which impacts us nonetheless


  • 11 people commented on the salary increase as a highlight for the month
  • 5 people cited new programs such as OVSN and Propeller Ocean MBA.

Area for Improvement

  • 6 people commented on the need for higher salaries or cost of living/market adjustments, and 7 people commented on the need for improvements in funding (i.e., more hard money support, support for “unfunded” task (proposal support, services, etc.)
  • 4 people commented on the need to address housing
  • 24 people asked for more community events, opportunities for interaction
  • 20 people cited the need for improvements to their workload
  • 1 person asked for less pressure to be on campus
  • 9 people wanted more people on campus

Who do you think will win the Super Bowl?

  • 25 Philadelphia Eagles
  • 20 Kansas City Chiefs
  • 13  Cincinnati Bengals
  • 8 San Franscico 49ers
  • 1  Baltimore Ravens
  • 1 Buffalo Bills
  • 1 Dallas Cowboys
  • 1 New England Patriots
  • 1 The Superb Owls